Thursday 1 July 2010

Bereguardo - Pontoon Bridge
This is one of the last examples of pontoon-bridge in Italy. Initially it was built as a temporary opera at the end of 1800. The boats were made of wood, and are now made of cement. The bridge goes up with the level of water and the barges float. Boards lift in places as you cycle across with large gaps! Found hotel last night, has been difficult finding hotels as we are not in a tourist area, but no food. So drank our bottle of wine with yoghurt, banana and chocolate bar!
Spent a lot of time cycling on white lines on the edge of the road today to avoid pot holes and traffic. Very busy, lots of lorries. Italy is at the start of a heatwave as is the rest of europe, 33c today. Passed lots of rice fields which added to the humidity and saw lots of water birds plus young stork. 282 miles in 5 hot days!

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